03-06-2008, 01:46 AM
I actually read the thread but don't have the time to sit down and think about the best way to translate what you have typed. As MMM has stated in another post, it is not as simple as finding the Japanese equivalent of an English word. A lot of times translating things literally is pointless because the meaning gets lost. Let give you some examples.
Example 1:
Japanese: 腹が立つ。= hara ga tatsu.
English literal translation = My(you, he, etc.) stomach stands up.
Actual English meaning = to get angry.
Example 2:
Japanese: 顔が広い。= kao ga hiroi
English literal translation = you're (his, her, etc.) face is wide.
Actual English meaning = he (she, you, etc.) know a lot of people.
It gets even more difficult when people start asking to translate slang and lord forbid proverbs and wise sayings. I will say that you didn't ask as much as someone else did but it would still take awhile. I might post some of it later.