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(#65 (permalink))
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SweetSuicide (Offline)
\m/ Rock hard love harder
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02-11-2007, 05:02 PM

We started a fire and sat down under a dead tree. I was still shaking from killing the wolf. I though back to when I was running out of town with my parents...
it was night time. We had been running for at least 2 nights and only running at night so we didn't move during the day. As we came to the next town, we heard some grawling in the near by bushes. My dad told me and mom to stay back as he walked over to the bush. We watched him walk away. We saw him go over to the bush and look down behind it. We saw the wolf jump up and attck his face, ripping it off of the bone. I saw my mom run over to try to get the wolf off him. She was attacked by another wolf. I ran off hearing my mother scream at the top of her lungs for help but I was too afarid to run back. I screamed to her "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." but it was useless. The wolf had killed her already....
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I kept whispering it over and over again. Atavius looked at me with confusion on his face. "Suezette, are you ok?" He was holding my hand because it was shaking really badly. "No, I'm not ok. I'll never be ok. I ran away when my parent's were being killed by wolfs when I was younger. I watched them die! I could have saved them! But I was too scared and ran away and now I just killed one fom killing me! I'm a horriblbe person!!" I broke down crying. Atavius was just sitting there holding my hand letting me pour my heart out to him about my past. I knew that this was a bad idea but I dind't care. I needed to talk to someone and Atavius was willing to listen..

Life goes on.
But I'm gone.
Cause I'll die without you.
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