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(#35 (permalink))
GothicDollypop (Offline)
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03-06-2008, 05:33 AM

Quote: " Why does being compared to a classic piece of literature offend you???
Far better than being compared to some bubblehead celebrity.
Or being named after a relative you dont even like.

People make associations with every name they hear. For example, Ive only had bad experiences with people named "Steven" so when I meet a new Steven I am instantly anxious and thinking of all the past ones who were morons. (This is a fictional example btw but people DO think like this).

Yes theres a HUGE difference between the Nabokov story and the FASHION style and I really wonder how many people actually link the Fashion style with the book, as its not exactly a novel read in school or anything.

The cultural associations with Nabokov's novel would be vague at best, I think- at least in North America. I dont know about what classics people read in Europe where education is more thorough, or elsewhere (hehehe I can just smell the lynching over that comment...oh well)

How many people on here have actually HONESTLY read Nabokov's "Lolita"?
And not just seen the myriad of so-so films based on it. "

@ gloomth: Lol, I don't know, ask the people with that name why it offends them XD Did you think I was talking about myself 8o ? No, no, my name's not Lolita, ha ha XDD

This one user on the egl community on Livejournal has a teacher with the name Lolita and one day the girl went to class dressed in Lolita and when she named the fashion, her teacher got angry, lol! Apparently she has some kind of complex with the name and I think that's just silly, personally 8/

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