No that's not the only type I like...I pretty much like them all, it's just that I was watching a movie & one of the extras in the background caught my eye. He was light brown & just his hair & eyes *melts* I kept rewinding the satellite just get a look at him, lol. I just hate guys who are super skinny & uber white or pale or waaaay too dark skinned...whichever.
Originally Posted by EveV
I redyed my hair.
It's black on the bottom but on the top I put a tint of orange red in then I put dirty blonde highlights and dark red lowlights.
I just thought you'd be giddy to know I have red in there again. >>
Well I guess you thought wrong <<....okay maybe not!!
Originally Posted by Suki
[Oi the porn's still there!! Err I mean... ~ I didn't go all the way back through the pages to look at it... >.>' haha]
I think maybe you & Kanji like looking at it o_O ?? j/k

Yuri Yuri

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Gatekeeper-animedude3 -Tasty Cream Pie To-Diru0gaze
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