Thread: Sentence help
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03-06-2008, 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by Dutchman View Post
I'm learning grammar with Kim Tae's grammar guide, but in one of the excersices there was something i didn't understand about the ga particle.

アリス) 何 が 楽しい?
ボブ) ゲーム が 楽しい。

in the first sentence I understand why it needs to be ga, because you do not know the subject/object so you use ga but in the second one you know it's a game? or is it because you don't know wich game it is?
In this case think of が as marking the SUBJECT (where を marks an OBJECT).
It's asking "What is fun?" so the main focus (the SUBJECT) is on WHAT is fun...therefore が. (You could never ask 何を楽しい?)

This then applies to the second sentence. GAMES are fun. GAMES is the subject.

You could say ゲームを楽しくします which would mean "I enthusiastically play games." (not a great sentence, but fits the point here). Here the OBJECT is GAMES and the SUBJECT is I (even though it is only implied, and not stated in the sentence).
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