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Lazarus (Offline)
I eat drums for breakfast
Posts: 32
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
03-07-2008, 12:18 PM

Thanks again for the replies.
Yeah looks like I'm going to have to book the tickets for the Ghibli museum before I leave. What I want to know is the Ghibli museum an exception or are there other places that I will have book before I leave?

Anyone know of any good up to date maps for Tokyo/Kyoto I can buy? I realise I could pick one up when I get there, but are there any especially good ones for slightly inexperienced foreigners?

Also, my friend and I (being Scottish), want to wear kilts while in Japan. For those who don't know, a kilt is basically a tartan man-skirt. Is this likely to be a bad idea or attract unwelcome attention? Surely Japanese people have seen Braveheart!?

Cheers guys.

For relaxing times, make it... Santori time.

Last edited by Lazarus : 03-07-2008 at 12:49 PM.
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