Yours Rightfully Insolent
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Happily ever after ^_^
Hellsing (Ultimate) -
03-08-2008, 11:35 AM
Geez, I searched through the WHOLE anime section and there wasn't even a thread specifically for this anime(forgive me if I missed out, lol). ~_~ What have you guys been doing, lol?
Ultimate really describes this new version of the anime! ^__^
So is it just me or are the graphics, gore, humor, maniacal laughter, heart-pumping action, and even an added sadism in Seras's badass attitude all psyched up!
Gotta give credits to 'evil vs evil' style of the show. The moment Alucard defeats a supposedly powerful opponent, someone worse always shows up. Just when it seems he's at his wits' end, he NEVER fails to pull off a spectacular stunt to engulf the enemy in a darkness darker than hell itself and scare his initially self-confident challengers into little crying wimps! XD~!
Oh, and I only recently realized Alucard, spelt backwards, equals Dracula . THAT pretty much explains everything
If you haven't watched the original series yet, I suggest you do the latter. ^^ The OVAs are kinda rushed unfortunately... =/ But nonetheless, corrupted with twisted, whacked, warped philosophy wrong on so many leves = kickass awesome!
There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.
Last edited by CoolNard : 03-11-2008 at 08:57 AM.