(Yay first post!)
I am a beginner to Japanese, and I've spent quite a bit of time looking up websites to help me learn the language, and I have bookmarked just about every single one of them
Teach Yourself Japanese
This is a pretty useful site in my opinion- it explains about the parts of grammar, the pronunciation of each character, and even has sound files (at least for the hirigana).
Japanese phrase of the day (useful Japanese phrases for watching TV) - Nanika omoshiroi no yatteru kana
I am practically
in love with about.com, just about everything on japanese.about.com is useful (somewhere on the website there's an explanation on when to use hirigana, katakana, and kanji). (Why I chose to bookmark that particular page, I don't know. I should have bookmarked the Phrase of the Day archive or something.)
Say It in Japanese - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
I found this useful as well, not the best site, but you can learn quick phrases here. There's really ugly drawings (as this is a website for children) but there's this thing called "Quick Kanji" which is a cute way to memorize some everyday kanji.
TheJapanesePage.com - Learn Japanese for FREE -- How to Wow! with language, culture, kanji, and grammar
The GOD of hirigana tutors, in my opinion.

There are silly (but dead useful) mnemonics for each character, and with each new hirigana you learn, you learn how to write some everyday words! The best part is the
I really hope that these websites will wind up helping someone
