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jasonbvr (Offline)
Posts: 771
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Japan
03-10-2008, 06:11 AM

Your reputation is very important when you are working as a teacher. The company you work for doesn't want to be seen as hiring anyone unprofessional. So if you are going to do something crazy like having run ins with the boys in blue, make sure it happens far away from where you work. Even if you don't have trouble with cops, people will start to talk about you if you really stand out. And eventually your company will find out, but they probably will not fire you.

Weapons, that would be a no, no. There are airsoft places, but running around in the streets with an airsoft gun and someone will freak and call the po-po. And the po-po don't like leaving their cozy boxes for some dumb foreigner so I doubt they will be happy to see you.
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