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(#51 (permalink))
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noodle (Offline)
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03-10-2008, 10:03 AM

Tenchu, how are you able to follow "Bushido" when the majority of texts have not been translated into english? Surely, you will not be able to understand the true way of a warrior by only a handfull of texts.

I'm asking you this, because I truely do not believe that you are following Bushido simply by how you talk about it and how you talk in general. The way you talk implies to me and many others that you are not honourable, respectful, honest NOR are you courageous. From what I know about bushido, these are very important.

I just wrote a load of stuff and it got deleted... DAMN, I'll write it another time. But I think you misunderstand bushido and from what you're telling us, I think its a load of crap. You're simply creating paradoxes... ie, you're asking rhetorical questions without even realising.
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