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noodle (Offline)
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03-10-2008, 04:11 PM

Tenchu, you know me. I did not mean for that to sound disrespectful or for it to surprise you in anyway. In fact, I believe that was said rather kindly compared to how you speak about my religion and "way of life".

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
It defines more quality in a person than a thousand Qurans put together
As for the disrespectfulness. Here is a perfect example. Saying something like that about a subject you obviously don't know much about is extreemly disrespectful.

As for the Japanese customs, I wasn't talking about the japanese. I was talking about Bushido. I know that Bushido means "the way of the warrior". But which definition of warrior are you talking about? Studying martial arts every single day of your life doesn't neccesarily make you a warroir. Depending on the definition of this, I can call myself a warrior. I fight on a daily basis against my inner evil and the evil of others. I train myself in ways that do not need martial arts.

If you havn't lied, then what do you call it when someone says something that isn't true. You've said some things on here that you later denied.

As for courageous. I think you are linking this to fighting again. One doesn't need to be able to smile at death to be courageous. Simple example... Bullies (sp?) are cowards, yet sometimes you speak to people in a bullies tone. ie, you sometimes speak down to people to make yourself feel good... (I don't know if you get what I mean.)

At heart, you may very well be polite. But once again, the contrary is shown by your words (sometimes).

Why do I think you misunderstand bushido. Because I do not think that "the way of the warrior" you are talking about, applies to the situation you're in, nor is it the way of the warrior that is being taught in your texts.
You seem to be a very anxious person. Eager to do things too fast and too quickly. Sometimes, you can learn more simply by sitting there. You also seem anxious to prove yourself. From the texts you have shown me, I do not believe that a warrior should be anxious to do anything and he certainly should always have self-control in every situation possible.

You're right, I don't know much about bushido, and I don't believe someone that has not read all the "required" texts can understand it either. You once told me that Bushido took centuries to write and each "master"/samurai added to it. Yet you seem to be saying that you understand the "real" meaning of bushido after only a couple of years? If enlightenment is true and isn't just a state of mind where one is so confused that he believes to be seeing truth, then I do not think that you've figured out how to reach it so quickly.

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post

Noodle, I don't get why you said that. And it seems pretty random to me... But it was a good wake up to how you feel about me. I should not have expected better from one of you anyway.
A wake up call of what I think about you? Did you believe I thought you were a perfect human? A perfect human would follow all of those things that i mentioned to a T, but i do not believe such a person exists. Everyone makes mistakes, and I am simply pointing out that you ARE human. I think you took what I said in the wrong way. You shouldn't take what I said here the wrong way. In fact, you are one of the few people that I don't look down on, on this forum. It's full of, lets say, Idiots. You on the other hand, I enjoy greatly talking to you (well, debating with you), because you seem to have a brain even if we seem to have different moral values. In short, you seem like you want to be a philosopher or at least you think the same way as a philosophor does. This is interesting and I give you much credit for that because you don't seem to just accept what you're told. You seek your own truth. (hence why I want to read your book.)
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