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Amnell (Offline)
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03-10-2008, 06:13 PM

Tenchu-senpai, I'm beginning to think that you're not actually hearing what I'm saying. It doesn't matter what I say or how, somehow I just "don't understand". This seems most apparent in you telling me that I don't understand in response to my interpretation of your scenario of changing intentions.

There is a simple truth to people: if they want something badly enough, they will work towards getting it by any means necessary. Just because the methods may change from time to time, that doesn't mean that they've changed their intentions, and as long as intentions are unwavering--by your own definition--the heart is not compromised.

Read that again to make sure you actually heard it this time.

Done? Moving on.

I don't quite get the Christian analogy, there. What does what I said have to do with going to heaven?

Ok, maybe I'm not so sure what you're defining void as. In the english language, it means "nothingness". So let me try again to interpret the old man himself:

Musashi: "When your spirit is not in the least clouded, when the clouds of bewilderment clear away, there is the true void. "

Translates to: When there is *nothing* in the way of your judgement(loose interpretation), when there is *nothing* left for you to wonder about, then you have reached your void.

First Derivitive: When you've cleared your mind of anything that may distract you, you are ready.

For perception: What I said was all hypothetical, but at the same time it makes sense. It explains why you can create a complete organism out of a single cell (cloning). Every cell has a complete copy of the whole, and every cell is part of the whole. It would stand to reason, then, that if anything happens to one part of the whole, the rest of it is aware instantly. Again, that's why you feel the pain of having your hand on the burner instantly, even if the act of pulling your hand away takes about 200 milliseconds (What's happening here, hypothetically, is that your brain recieved the data instantaneously, but it took it however long to process what the appropriate action would be with respect to that data).

Insofar as thought goes, don't mistake a reaction for a thought. When you yank your hand from the burner, you didn't think about it, you just did it. I suppose you could loosely call that reaction a thought from what I said in the last paragraph, but, again, don't mistake reaction for actual thought. A thought is you actively, consciously processing complex information and doing all the human things of rationalizing, justifying, reasoning, etc etc. A reaction requires no active participation by you--it just happens (but can be supressed, as masochists often do).

The traditional model of nerve impulse and chemical release is far too slow. For a nerve in your hand to sense pain, release a chemical to another nerve that is part of a trail of them to the brain, which then releases another chemical to activate the next one and so on all the way to your brain would take seconds, not microseconds. By they time your brain recieved the data that your hand was being damaged, you'd have 3rd degree burns on your palm. This has even been claimed by experts who are not part of the quantum physics community (where I got my other hypothesis). They said that they couldn't figure out how those nerves worked so damn fast if that was indeed the method they used for sending information to the brain.

Since I don't presently have the benefit of living my life inside of a muay thai boxing ring, your words and recommended readings are the best option I have. I know, it's hell, isn't it? XD ^_^;;;

And you'll notice I didn't quote you--not once.

"The trouble with trying to make something idiot proof is that idiots are so smart." ~A corollary to Murphy's Law

If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you actually make them think, they'll hate you. ~Don Marquis

Originally Posted by noodle
But, that's always f-ed up individuals that kill in secluded areas up high in the mountains. Thats neither the army nor the governments agenda! I hope those people rott in hell, but an army or government shouldn't be judged by psycho individuals.
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