Originally Posted by Harold
The best way to learn vocabulary is to put it to use. That's how people learn so quickly when they're put in a Japanese speaking environment.
You can't just memorize basics and expect to recall them 2 months down the road. Instead of cramming, try thinking about the item in your head. When you say newspaper, think to yourself, "What was the word for newspaper? Shinbun." Doing this over and over will make you memorize it. If you ever do goto Japan, you'll already have a pretty good sized vocabulary down that you will be able to utilize.
Thanks for the advice. I tried that today at work,(I work in a book store), It was pretty fun, though i still had trouble recalling most of the words from off top of my head, but I remembered more than I usually do. (My boss didn't find me funny when I answered the phones with moshi moshi though (^_^); So caught up lol)