Originally Posted by ccc
are electronic goods like notebooks cheaper in GB than in Japan ?
Here's a rule of thumb in case you missed it.
Nothing is cheaper in GB. If you buy a sony vaio, macbook, toughbook or any sort of electronic equipment including guitars and games consoles you will typically pay 10 to 15% more for it in the UK than anywhere else in the world.
Why? Because VAT, import duty and a greedy government conspire to make the UK the most expensive country to shop in the western hemisphere.
Don't believe me? next time your in the high street write down the price of a product you fancy, travel abroad and compare it.
Heathrow is also the biggest "duty free" rip off ever - i tried to buy some cuban cigars before travelling to Japan and they were DOUBLE the price of the same brand in duty free in CDG, Paris - absolutely ripping the arse out of it.