Originally Posted by noodle
Or you could even say terrorists... They do something that will end their lives without questioning it because they believe it would be for the greater good...
And no, i haven't seen that film. I'll have to check it out!...
there is a valid point there - no matter what your opinion of terrorists kamikaze's etc. there is no doubt that they are the most lethal type of assasin - truly if you ever got one of them after you - RUN !! LMAO !!
btw - i belive Ninja is better - i tell u why - i love samurai i love the sword but i dont believe in all that dignity and honour bs. in war.
a while ago i watched a program in which a ninja master (old guy) was being interviwed somwhere out east and he was showing all these fantastic moves that could potentially kill someone and then all of a sudden he pulled a 9mm pistol out of his top and said...."WE ADAPT" - lmao - u gotta luv it !