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(#13 (permalink))
cuonglhvt (Offline)
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Join Date: Mar 2008
03-11-2008, 02:33 PM

I got one answer from

More Questions about Japanese Calendar.? - Yahoo! Answers

So I want to discuss about that.

Do you know why only Japan takes different attitude from Vietnamese and Koreans toward Luna calender?

As I said, Luna calender and Chinese calendar (Chinese Luna calender) are different.

Most Asian countries followed Chinese Luna calender called 時憲暦 in Chinese characters (Idk how to write this in English). China, Korea and Vietnam followed this calender.
However, Japanese Luna calender which were used until 1872 was called 天保暦 (Ten po reki). This was Japanese-made old Luna calender, and Chinese, Koreans and Vietnamese don't know this calender. 

That means Japan had been using her own old (luna) calender even before Japan adopted Western calender. The old new year (Japan's new year on Luna calender) and Chinese new year (Chinese new year on Chinese Luna calender) were also different.
That is why Japanese don't feel weirdness even after they shifted some festivals and holidays.

There are several versions of Luna calenders in Asia. However, they are usually written in Chinese characters, and unfortunately, Wikipedia and western web sites do NOT have enough information regarding those Asian Luna calenders.
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