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(#20 (permalink))
eemaan (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 7
Join Date: Mar 2008
03-11-2008, 08:52 PM

Yes the name is not the main thing here, he is a blessed prophet of Allah.
he is the Messiah.

anyway, I became Muslim because I wondered where the ustice of this world was, no human made law is just, so I thought there must be an Almighty supreme law that is flawless, i started to see the signs in Allahs creations and i looked into islam...

after reading a lot i couldn't deny it was the truth, though i tried really hard to fight it, i couldn't lie to myself, cos then I would be the one who ould lose in the end....
so i took my shahadah alhamdulillah.

There are a few mosques here and there, mainly in tokyo, though i would love to go to one one day insha'Allah. There are a few Muslim Japanese women I know I have seen them on youtube and I have a friend who is a Japanese married to a Pakistani Muslim and she converted.

my parents are buddhist, insha'Allah they get hidayah and accept islam.