You'll have to forgive the highly technical and brain-murdering quote here...
Originally Posted by
The 6th level concerns the genome’s quantum nonlocality. Up to the 6th level, the nonlocality of bio-information is realized within the space of an organism. The 6th level has, however, a special nature; not only because it is realized at a quantum level, but also because it works both throughout the space of a biosystem and in a biosystems own time frame. The billions of an organism’s cells therefore "know" about each other instantaneously, allowing the cell set is to regulate and coordinate its metabolism and its own functions. Thus, nonlocality can be postulated to be the key factor explaining the astonishing evolutionary achievement of multicellular biosystems. This factor says that bioinformatic events, can be instantaneously coordinated, taking place "here and there simultaneously", and that in such situations the concept of "cause and effect" loses any sense. This is of a great importance! The intercellular diffusion of signal substances and of the nervous processes is far too inertial for this purpose.
(All emphasis mine)
Translation: Every cell in your body is aware of every other cell on a quantum level. They're all aware of what the others are doing. Because they are constantly in such rapport, transmission of information is instantaneous. This of course makes more sense than having all your cells rely on chemical messengers and electrical signals to carry messages throughout the nervous system--such a process is simply too slow.
Interpretation: Since your whole being is talking to itself in an instantaneous fashion, the very microsecond that you put your hand on a burner and damage occurs, your nervous system knows it, even if you consciously don't. You jerk your hand away to stop the damage to your system, and THEN you think about it.
Again, don't mistake awareness for consiousness. I can be aware of being watched, even if I don't consciously know of anyone in the vicinity. Playing Halo, I can react to an enemy popping out in front of me and not realize that I had an appropriate reaction until seconds later. Sparring, I block a punch and throw a counter without actually thinking about it. This is all because I am aware of what's around me as it's happening. I don't have to think about it to be aware of it. That means I agree with you that thought takes time, but thought isn't the only thing your nervous system accomplishes.
The quote that I gave is a tiny tiny portion of that paper. The whole paper is really brainy and a little difficult to follow, but I recommend you read it. Apparently, the people that did the experiments and wrote the paper are all very highly credited and credible, so I wouldn't outright dispute what they say just because you heard it from me, if I were you.
Void sounds like a very confusing thing... Perhaps it is something like this:
Originally Posted by
I go on from this point to explain that, while the analogy of a “hard drive” is convenient, we are not dealing with an actual physical construct, as the sub-quantum realm exists outside of space-time. I ask them to think of their individual “storage space” as “whirlpools in the river”; i.e., they have their own individual characteristics, but are “composed” of the same “substance” (again, I make clear that we are using analogy, and not speaking literally — many of these people tend to be VERY literal, as you might imagine from their professions!) as the rest of the sub-quantum realm. In other words, their own “personal” holographic storage space, rather than being “partitioned off” from the rest of the sub-quantum realm, is actually part-and-parcel of the holographic “fabric” of the sub-quantum realm. They are able to access their “data” and “programs” strictly by virtue of their physical/energetic resonant signature
In that article, he also talks about "bioelectric fields" as being the same thing as "Chi energy" or an "aura". You can read it, this one's not very long nor is it as brainy as the first article.
Some food for thought. It's still making me do mental gymnastics, so have fun XD ^_^; .
"The trouble with trying to make something idiot proof is that idiots are so smart." ~A corollary to Murphy's Law
If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you actually make them think, they'll hate you. ~Don Marquis
Originally Posted by noodle
But, that's always f-ed up individuals that kill in secluded areas up high in the mountains. Thats neither the army nor the governments agenda! I hope those people rott in hell, but an army or government shouldn't be judged by psycho individuals.