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noodle (Offline)
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03-13-2008, 08:11 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
Mn, good question. When I worte all that I included the perception of the heart/spirit as well, which in other terms, has more of a relevant chance at actually grasping into the exact moment of existence - this is what I would describe as 'enlightenment', when your spirit/heart reaches this moment.

I was really trying to point out the falseness in the reality men live, where they arn't even living in the moment of reality. Even if only by a billionth of a second, man is really just like a robot with his body, just that he is made of more complex materials than we would assume a robot to be made of.

A Warrior must realize that his body has no value, and it is his heart that must lead him around. This is how he comes to terms with death on the largest of scale. If you believe your body does not even know what reality is to begin with, that it can only imagine what it might be like based on memory, then I believe it assists in the entire concept of Bushido.

Bushido is 100% about physical worthlessness, and raising the heart. You understand?
Yeah, I get it now... So it's basically saying, your body is a tool (weapon), and that you are never really living in true reality so you death should not scare you because you're never actually alive (in reality).
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