Yeaaaa was bugged to post this, plus it might be entertaining.
Here's some stuff I've done digitally (I'll count just photos as it's a digital camera).
Anyway, recent stuff that I like:
Tyrien on deviantART or
SA . Tyrien's Profile ) for all of them
I'd call it an eloquent combination of alcohol a corona stuffed with lime slices and a green laser.
It's my eye.
It's my cat's eye.
This was actually an accident but I love how the eyes look so ghostlike.
There's a lot of older backgrounds on the sheezyart.
Anyway, yuupppp.
As of 08/11/2008 5:33 PM Eastern Standard time I now officially own:
Miyavi, Kyo, Yuusuke, Maya, Gou, Aki, Aoi, Jun, Yusa, Jui, Key, Heechul, Yesung, Riku, Kei, Jyou, Satoshi, Takeru, Sin, Teddyloid, ♀Yooh♂, Reo, Tomoya, Tatsuro, Hitsugi, Kyoharu, Takanori Nishikawa, Jay Chou, Hirokai, Die, Kaoru, Shinya, and Toshiya.