03-14-2008, 08:31 AM
yay Happy White Day!
I think I mentioned this before when it was Valentines Day.... haha
In Korea they also have BLACK day! I never knew that.... o_o;
its for single people.
Anyway I think I've shared this story before.... but one time I had a
guy give me candy and chocolate on March 14th and I thought he was
crazy because it's March not February and I laughed about it forever
until my mom explained to me what White Day is. That was when I was
in middle school but it was still kinda funny xD
ps, I never understand why both Japan and Korea say "H-WHITE" instead of just "WA-I-TO" or "WA-EET"
I mean it's phonetically spellable for both countries... but whatever.
I always think it's weird because "Hwa-eet" in Korea is like "fight"
so as the Japanese may cheer on, "GANBATTE!" or "GANBARUYO!"
Koreans say, "HWAITING." (fighting) hmm... random thought lol
"hey souljah boy, can i.... YAHH TRICK YAHHH!!!!!"
Last edited by hypekstatic : 03-14-2008 at 08:36 AM.