Originally Posted by UNaruto1990
I never "disrespected" other religions, I only said that's what I hope, unless you want me to lie about my hopes.... anyways you probably know nothing about Islam, so with all do respect why are you disagreeing?
Japanese people won't really need to change their culture if Japan bacame an Islamic country, they already apply alot of Islamic teachings without knowing, Islam says respect the environment, Japanese do respect the environment, Islam says people should respect each other, Japanese already respecet each other etc.... there is going to be some changes, of course but that doesn't mean that the whole culture will change....
Exactly I don't know about Islam, but your hope is already something invading. What do you feel if someone say " I hope (your country name) will be christianity (or buddism or other)". You won't feel at ease.
If you really have known what respect means, you wouldn't have told this way.