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03-14-2008, 09:47 PM

Originally Posted by Miyavifan View Post
I'm at this guy who uses some photon thing, in the farplane, but I can't figure how to defeat him at all. I did do a search, but the site I went to didn't have any info.
If memory serves me right, you're fighting Azi Dahaka.
He looks like the guy you fight in FFX when you reach the summit of Mt Gagazet.
This battle ONLY occurs if you try to proceed to the next area without completing the puzzle first. Assuming this is your first time through and you haven't gone through the Via Infinito yet (only available if you gave the sphere in Chapter 2 to New Yevon) and gotten the item Cat Nip, you're best bet is to just complete the puzzle!!!!

Are you playing the melody, or are you jumping on the musical plaforms after a dialogue with Baralai?

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