aishiteru bis
Posts: 1,171
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Wonderland
03-15-2008, 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by Obscene
HAHA. Yeah, on the way..from australia..Not really. xD But hey, I'm willing to change all the maps and the world if needed. xP
non non.....
i meant they go from Japan to Australia (since it's closer) then to the Cali....
i always cry out with the music filled with memories of the four seasons....
we shared....
Shunsuke, forever in my heart <3
i own Seika, Tsukasa, Hiroki, Kenzo, Tooru, Ruka, Mofto, Ediee, Ryuto, Sou, Enik, Hiko, Death-O, Nii, Ryohei, Keita, Ryuichi half of Teruki and half of Kei
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