Originally Posted by animelover32
Whoo! I love Final Fantasy. I'm busy trying to collect them all, right now I have VIII, X, X-2, XII, and DoC.
I was trying to collect them all too...until they came out with the online one. That completely killed the series for me, now I don't care much about it anymore...as a matter of principle, I feel like they got greedy - charging $50 for a game, and pay-per-play on top of that, and let's not even touch on the expansions. ugh. charge either a hefty up-front fee, or pay-per-play, not both.
But I still love what out of the series I've played. FF7 was the only one that I actually finished though - I couldn't put that one down. My fav would probably be FF6 - that's the one that got me into the series...and I did pick up FF3 for the DS, and I love that one too ^^