Originally Posted by Magen
Thanks for the information! I'll have to look into the place in Kyoto as well.
I'd especially love to find more places with anything bakeneko/nekomatta related! ...I haven't had much luck...
Well, I've found out that there are mountains associated with Nekomata. One is named Nekomatayama in Toyama and the other is Nekomagatake in Fukushima. Nekomatayama is the leftmost peak in the attached picture.
Although I once stumbled across a flicker photo taken a Gyoza Stadium of a decoration that looked like a cross between a bakeneko and a rokurokubi (!?)
I really want to hit that place up as well, if just for the gyoza. mmmmm....
You mean the Gyoza Stadium at Ikebukuro? These cats look like
Manekineko to me.