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(#40 (permalink))
gattaccia (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 282
Join Date: Jan 2008
03-17-2008, 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by UNaruto1990 View Post
Actually you don't know what I'd feel, you only know what you'd feel, if somebody told me that I would ask him why, and then if I am not convinced, well it's just his opinion I wouldn't make a big deal out of it, obviously you did.. and my hope is not something invading at all, what if Japanese people liked Islam after knowing it for real, and let's say most of them converted to Islam, and then Japan became an Islamic country.. I really see no invading in this, I never said that Muslims should go and occupy Japan and then turn it into Islamic !!!
OK. I understood. If Japanese liked Islam, and if it would be major, Japan would be Islamic country. It's logic.
But I, a Japanese who grew up buddism circumstance and studied at a protestant university, felt bad when read your message. I agree that you appriciate your religion because you believe in it. But remember, things might not like you believe.
I explained what I felt like you did.
Anyway I'm here to make new friends and have new way of seeing things.
If you explain something about Islam, I'll listen to you.