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Lazarus (Offline)
I eat drums for breakfast
Posts: 32
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
03-18-2008, 03:27 AM

My girlfriend is half Japanese on her mother's side.
Now, just to show you how much things have changed, when her parents had their wedding ceremony, maybe 20ish years ago, it was so unheard of to have an interracial marriage with a Japanese person there was actually a local news article on it (here in Scotland). It had some silly title like "East meets West".

Nowadays, an interracial relationship like that is far less taboo in the west. Because of the western influence in today's popular culture in Japan, I imagine these kind of relationships are also perhaps not as big a deal as they once were.

...and dude, it's spelled "Japanese".

For relaxing times, make it... Santori time.
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