Hey. I got a couple of questions for you veterans.
First off, I'd like to know if it's possible to attend school in Japan, like an Adult School of some sort to learn Japanese and maybe with some University Prep Classes. I'm currently 21, almost hitting 22 and possibly moving to Japan within the next few months. Oh and by the way, Canadian who dropped out of School in Grade 10. XD. Is it actually possible to finish my Credits while attending School there and maybe hit University afterwards?
As for the lodging and rent, shouldn't be a problem cause I'm sacking $100,000 with me through wireless Banking, should be enough to last me for roughly 3 years with a minimum of $2000 withdrawal a month and after Tuition Fees, of course. >:3
If by any chance, what I'm trying to do is possible. Please provide a Link to the School, or the School Name and I'll google it myself. XD
Well, that's all the info I need, thanks.