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(#43 (permalink))
gattaccia (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 282
Join Date: Jan 2008
03-18-2008, 12:49 PM

Originally Posted by eemaan View Post
Hi Gattaccia,
I would like to tell you about Islam!
The main thing in Islam is the belief in one God alone, who has no partners. Whatever people may call Him, He is the Creator and Sustainer of all life. Muslims believe in all the Prophets, from Adam and Noah, Moses and Jesus, and then Muhammad peace be upon them all. In Islam we believe that all the Prophets and Messengers came with the same message to worship and obey One God, however over time some of the messages the prophets came with were distorted and changed by the people to suit their own desires. And people added gods and so on. So God sent Muhammad (peace be upon him)as the final messenger to mankind, and it even says in the bible that there will be another prophet after Jesus, and he (Muhammad) was sent with the Qur'an.
This is my very brief summary. If you have any specific questions I will try to help!

Thank you for my 1st lecture of Islam.
I enjoyed your explanation. And I felt --- mmmm Islam means almost chiristianism. Am i wrong? Yes, maybe.
I don't understand what the difference between these 2 religions by your summary. Why only Muhammad went out from the Christianism world.

And also in the buddism world , have you seen "Mandara"? There is a drawing of Budda's organisation. At the center there is Budda and around him there are several other gods and arounds them there are other gods to help Budda.
If this drawing mentioned only one god surrounded by many prophets.There is also something in common with buddism and Islam.