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(#50 (permalink))
gattaccia (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 282
Join Date: Jan 2008
03-19-2008, 12:06 PM

Originally Posted by UNaruto1990 View Post
Islam believes in one God, while Christianity believes in a God and a son of a God etc... wich we don't believe in, God only had Prophets and not sons, also the Bible and every other religion's holy books were all edited and those who we got now are all fake (semi fake), meaning some of what is written is right and some of it is wrong, that's why God sent Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) with the holy Quran, and the Quran was never edited.

Maybe somehow they're the same..

I'm having lunch and writing...
Thanks for the reply and I got what you want to say. And I hope if we can learn something good and peaceful. But why do you like japan?

Then, are all prophets humanbeing who are contacted by God?
There aren't any messenger like angels or spirit?
In buddism , there are many god(I don't know if I call them god ma---) who helps budda. They have their own teritory and own work. For example " jizou bosatu" 's work is helping mainly children. "Fudou myouou","Yakushi nyorai" etc... there are many but I'm sorry I can't explain well.

And in the Quran, how is the states of woman, this is the most important point for me, cause I'm a woman!

Last edited by gattaccia : 03-19-2008 at 12:45 PM.