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sugoiaisukurimudesu (Offline)
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Posts: 28
Join Date: Mar 2008
03-19-2008, 02:07 PM

I'm going to visit Japan next summer, but I doubt I would ever live there. I used to think I would in highschool, but I'm dating this really nice guy.. Anyway he's said he would be willing to go with me anywhere and wouldn't mind living in Japan, but he's such a picky eater! He couldn't eat much of the food near the coast in Virginia. I am pretty worried about the food in Japan. I like seafood, but I really haven't eaten much other than shrimp, salmon, cod, and crab all my life, and even the smell of the california rolls make my stomach upset (and they aren't even raw). Anyway, if it's like that for me, it's got to be 10 times worse for him!!
That isn't the only reason, but it's one of the biggest. As much as I am interested in Japanese style homes and the language, I would miss my family and I know they would take me leaving the wrong way. I almost wish I could live a double life.

さよならって言えなかった事、いつか許してね。同じ夢 を生きられないけど、ずっと見守ってるから。
Feel free to correct me
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