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Joly (Offline)
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03-19-2008, 07:23 PM

Originally Posted by UNaruto1990 View Post
by the way, I really hope that someday Japan would be an Islamic country, because Islam has great systems for everything, like how to live and how to treat people, and how to punish criminals, unfortunatly Islamic systems aren't being applyed in MOST Islamic countries...
I'm curious as to what you think the benefit would be if Japan was an Islamic country. Having the world all Islamic won't solve its problems...even all-Muslim communities have problems with poverty, crime, conflict between different sects, etc. Also, Buddhism and Shinto coexist and blend together in Japan very peaceably...the Japanese are very religious in the sense that Buddhism and Shinto are an integral part of their national identity. To turn their backs on those traditions would be to turn their backs on their culture, history, ancestors, etc. And Islam is such a rich culture in itself, it could never coexist that way and would end up replacing other cultures. So, I don't think a major conversion is at all likely.

Originally Posted by gattaccia View Post
And I felt --- mmmm Islam means almost chiristianism. Am i wrong? Yes, maybe.
I don't understand what the difference between these 2 religions....
The most important difference is in Christianity there is a redeemer...a holy God who loves people so much, he personally paid the price for all the evil they do, so they can have a relationship with him. This love comes by faith and "not by works, that anyone should boast." In Islam it's up to the humansto make themselves right with God, rather than the other way around as it is in Christianity.

In other comments comparing Islam to Christianity I'm noticing a lot of misconceptions about Christianity...and here is a Christian willing to dispel any myths, if people have questions. <--this smilie is so cute, he doesn't look sarcastic! I think he looks sweet.^^

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