Originally Posted by gattaccia
But why do you like japan?
1) Japan is beautiful.
2) Japanese people are really hard working.
3) Japanese products are amongst the best in the world.
4) They have high levels of respect, I like respect
5) Actually I have so many reasons that I can't remember them all, I am just so attached to this country
Originally Posted by Joly
I'm curious as to what you think the benefit would be if Japan was an Islamic country.
Japan would even be a better country if it was Islamic, even economically it would be better, to explain it would be so hard for me, but as a brief you should know that Islam has it's own systems for everything, and those systems are from God himself so they are much better than the current systems in the world.
Originally Posted by Joly
Having the world all Islamic won't solve its problems...even all-Muslim communities have problems with poverty, crime, conflict between different sects, etc.
Those communities you're talking about are NOT Islamic communities, those are Arabian communities, and as I stated before, Islam is not being applied by most Arabian countries, even if they say they are Islamic, they are not, you can read history and know how was the Islamic community at the times of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him).
Originally Posted by Joly
Also, Buddhism and Shinto coexist and blend together in Japan very peaceably...the Japanese are very religious in the sense that Buddhism and Shinto are an integral part of their national identity. To turn their backs on those traditions would be to turn their backs on their culture, history, ancestors, etc. And Islam is such a rich culture in itself, it could never coexist that way and would end up replacing other cultures. So, I don't think a major conversion is at all likely.
If Japan were to be Islamic, they should forget about Buddhism and Shinto, Islam should be blended with every day's life, because if it wasn't blended it wouldn't be useful at all, as for traditions and cultures, they would stay the same UNLESS they oppose Islamic teachings and rules, their history and ancestors won't change a bit, I mean arabs once prayed to solid statues that can't see nor move nor talk, they are our ancestors and our history afterall right?
All in all, changing to the better can't be stopped by culture or traditions or whatsoever, if you're saying that they can't change because of their culture then you are so wrong, in fact many Japanese are becoming Muslims (although they are few compared to the population of Japan), didn't they have cuture or history? they have ones but they saw that Islam is better, that's why they've changed. And by the way most Japanese people don't know about Islam. I hope I was quite clear