03-20-2008, 07:20 PM
I wouldn't be so against US forces being stationed in Japan if so many of the servicemen there didn't go out and get drunk every time they're on break and terrorize the local Japanese population.
I join you believe me, the lack of discipline and the lapse of true authority to deal with it angers me. I feel most of the loss was due to the Tailhook incident the Navy had after the Gulf War, it gave the liberal and social engineers of America under Bill Clintoon the chance to invoke their touchy feely bull crap and stupid feminism into something they have no understanding of and simply no right to fuck with.
Gone are the days where superiors could invoke iron discipline, sometimes by the fist, against out of control misfits. We also ended a time test program of "Home basing" troops who wanted to be in Japan hitch after hitch, which kept disciplinary problems low, morale high and relations with our Japanese hosts excellent.
Also, not enough of the good things we've done in Japan get reported back home....building orphanages, community involvement, incidents where U.S. Servicemen risked their lives to save people from burning houses, wrecked cars, floods, ship accidents.
USN Japan 1985 - 1997, best years of my life.