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(#106 (permalink))
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girlgamer1984 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 156
Join Date: Jul 2007
03-21-2008, 08:32 PM

And yet it does not change the fact that US is repeating the same things all over again. May I remaind you that Us has a history of killing innocents on a massive scale, disregarding the basic concept called humanity. I am sure the torture pictures which surfaced and then disappeared just as quickly are proof enough how well they are handeling the civilians in Iraq and Afg. This is no different the way they acted in WWII. So ending the war for a so-called greater cause= nuking, using chemical weapons for the mass-murder of the civilians. I don't understand your logic.

Light today has dawned on my wooden head.

Last edited by girlgamer1984 : 03-21-2008 at 08:34 PM.