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(#134 (permalink))
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girlgamer1984 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 156
Join Date: Jul 2007
03-22-2008, 12:03 PM

Joly, Tyrien, you are both the same as Amnell. This is the fifth time I have had this conversation on this forum, so I am not exhausting myself on it again.

I think what you need to see though, and appreciate, is man has not changed. You have finished the war with Japan, and gone on in repitition to fight war after war after war. The civilian death toll you have launched is equal to that of all your enemy's put together...

The point in saying all nations fall was directed at the US, not Japan. One day the US will fall, before that it will probably loose its power and be overshadowed by other nations. All countries have their borders drawn and redrawn, the ones that are still here since the dawn of time, such as Egypt and Greece and Iraq, they have been conqured and torn apart many times, and nothing of their old empires exist today. So in effect, the US will continue fighting for its cause, rack up a murder toll of billions of people, mostly civilian, and then die out, and the world will have changed not at all. Nothing will be achieved. And the US is branded a murderer of women and children and unarmed men. Your country is on the most mindless campaign ever, and it is killing millions because of it. It is fuckin pitiful.
Mindless violance and thousands upon thousands of civilans have been slaughtered by the Us for their so-called just causes. I coulldn't agree more.

Light today has dawned on my wooden head.