Originally Posted by Gerlandox
(oh i forgot Myslims dont dring, dont smoke,.Bullshit)
Oki doki Dude I`l tell you some facts.U tell me i dont even know about
I REPLY: I know more than a dude like u can imagine, now to the details.In my land we all just to be pagans,than came cristianity that with the power of the sword injectet its religion among our people, than came the muslims they AGAIN with the power of the sword injectet us ur religion. We where always a Warrior ethnic group but against the mulim hords there was nothing we could do much about it. So we bowed DUDE ... WE BOWED 5 fu*king times a day, we learned DUDE we learned that fu*king book. My GRAND FATHER WAS MUSLIM MY FATHER THINKS HE IS although HE NEVER BOWEDin his LIFE . I THOUGHT THAT TO DUDE as i learned every single line of that book,
I CAN SING YOU ANY "SURE" (its called by us) of that book you call kuran, SO PLEASE DONT YOU TELL ME I DONT EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT.
Ill tell you another thing about the so called SPREADING ISSUE DUUUDE.
about 15-17 years ago, came another horde of muslim invasion in my land, but now not with the sword, but with NOW the so colle Scientology method.
"WE TEACH YOU ENGLISH AND ARAB... SO JOIN US" - I thought an Arab teaching me ENGLISH???- That should be fun (you should know i was only 6 or 7 that time and didnt know much about the ways of the Islam or what u call it) Thirsty 4 knowledge and other cultures i did that and withe every day i sow i learned arab but not english - I thought WHAT THE FU*K???- Now i know BRAINWASHING DUDE BRAINWASHING. I got away from that group, and with the curiosity and inocence of a kid, Which is still my virtue...- I thought-
Why do those people say, all non muslims are bad people.-S I JOINED A Cristian group- And there a learned a bit of english and the Fu*king Bible, and BLEH BLAH BLAH. (that was one version)
I lived in Germany 4 years to extend my language potential, AND DUUUUDE do you nkow WHAT HAVE SEEN... Well - WE CALL IT BROADBAND MUSLIM MASs PRODUCTION. You shoul Imagine this (Its fu*king terrifying)...
A endles line of 15-16 year old kids on the top of that line a "HODGA" -(i dont know in english)-He spoke some words in arab an NEXT-anothertime-NEXT-anothertime-NEXT.Terryfied befor this picture i took the courage to talk to one that was fresh convertet and asked him- WHY DO YOU ACCEPT THIS RELIGION???-I thought he liked or belived in the ways of Islam- BUTT NOOOO.
His answer was much much more disturbing... He replyed. BECAUSE ALL MY FRIEND ARE MUSLIMS TOO.- I thought FUUUUUU*K - I`m talking to a zombie.
I have seen the same Phenonomena in Londonn, and my opinon about it is one word-RECRUITS for that fu*cking holly war of yours. PEOPLE WITH WHITE SKIN WHITE MANNERS, WHO CAN INTERGRATE AND SABOTATE.
Islam in the convetntional meaning of it the only religion withc can NOT COEXIST with other religions. Am i an enemy because i`m not myslim??
If you think so (becouse all of your spiritual liders thing so) THAN U`R ALL NUTZzz DUUUDE
Dont take it personal dude im not on your side nor on the other- I JUST NLY FEAR BECOUSE OF THAT (your "holly war") One IDIOT On withch side HE may be, will PUSH THE FU*KING BUTTON (if u dont know what button i mean NUKES DUDE NUKES)
But should the human race sieze to exist because your fu*king holly war.-
I say NOOO. Because i`m not like u so dont take me my world away.
My pagan year begins in March, when nature regenerates when new life is spread, and not Death from some Fu*king CRAZY Myslim that blows himself in the air.
As last Words I wont to add... I beg you PARDON if i have ofendet you, but that was not my intend,you are a human to you are my brother so dont bow to human rules they are there to chain you, love life not death, Find The DIVINE the HOLLYNES... WITHIN YOU because no other crature is like you, WE ALL have the sparkel of The GODs within us we should only try to find it.
With the hope i`v spoken to your MIND and HEART.