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(#53 (permalink))
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MitcheruOtaku (Offline)
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03-22-2008, 08:13 PM

Originally Posted by SailorBratt18 View Post
Here is a poem my friend wrote when she just found out she had diabetes...

Hurting Me

You hurt me with your silence,
You hurt me with your side glance,
You hurt me in every way
And all I have to say,
Don't hurt me again!

I'm sorry that I make you sad,
Sorry that I get so mad,
Sorry that we feel so bad,
And that we lost the chance we had.
Don't hurt me again!

I'm just a girl,
Caught up in my own world,
And you ran away from that place,
You can't stand to look at my face.
You hurt me again.

Again we both shed tears,
Again we've lost more years,
Again Death stands in between us,
Again I've made a fuss,
Again we have lost.
We're hurt again.

You hurt me,
I hurt you.
We hurt together,
We hurt apart.
The hurting doesnt stop.
Make it stop.
Stop hurting me!
You're hurting me!
Thats powerful- your friend has a hard road ahead.

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