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(#71 (permalink))
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ivi0nk3y (Offline)
Calm Like A Bomb
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Birmingham, England
03-23-2008, 04:01 AM

Wow this was actually one of the most decent religious threads i've ever seen on this forum before this idiot started talking a bunch of nonsense.
There was no fighting or rudeness going on.
I love seeing people like you Gerlandox, get hot and bothered about Islam.
Noone ever gets hot and bothered about any other religion when it is talked about be it Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism or whatever. But you get hot and bothered by ISLAM.
Do you know why?
Read My Signature.
You can't handle the fact that Islam is actually the largest religion in the world and it is STILL Growing. It has REAL world answers for all our problems and yes those include NOT drinking Alcohol, NOT gambling, NOT using women as sex slaves and so on. Of course I expect a person like you to do ALL of these things so you can boast about them in that garbage heap post in a language vaguely reminiscent of "English."
Then you wonder why there is so much crap going on in EVERY country of the world? Teen pregnancies, Rapes, Murders, Alcoholism, Pedophilia, Sexual Promiscuity, Drugs, Abortion.. what answers have YOU got?
That is why you get hot and bothered. Islam has answers for all of these and much more but you can not TAKE it. All of you have is some silly home brewed philosophy on how the world SHOULD work.
Guess what Home slice? If your man made philsophy worked, we still wouldn't be having the same problems in the 21st century. The world is a mess because your man made philosophy is ADDICTIVE.
On top of that, you think someone is trying to convert you? You think YOU are THAT important?
We believe that ALLAH converts who he wills to his path. It is for no PERSON to convert anyone through brute force. If it's been done in the past, it has been a wrong doing. It is a requirement for a Muslim to become a Muslim by FREE WILL.
Of course when you be-little Islam you can only look at the negative so called "muslim" people who don't practice it and use that in your bulls*** propaganda. You are an ignorant person who has no clue what a real Muslim is and what he/she is capable of.
You also think that science dictates how you should live your life and that religion has no place in such an "evolved" society.
How pathetic.
You think YOU are some evolved human? That Muslims are blind?
Look at your English. You cant even TYPE. Even a monkey could learn to type better than you and make more grammatical SENSE.
It is you who is blind sir. And as the noble Quran says. "they will come to know".
They meaning, ignorant hypocrites like you.

ps. and yes I am Muslim. Al-hamdu-lillah.

Truth Hurts


Last edited by ivi0nk3y : 03-23-2008 at 04:07 AM.