Aack, this has deteriorated so much I'm rather sorry I got involved.
Originally Posted by UNaruto1990
Either you didn't read history correctly (perhaps fake sources), or you never really read history.
Yup, I've prolly read all the wrong books

--I refuse to believe politically correct versions of history, which are just someone else's opinion. I like to read first-hand accounts best.
Originally Posted by UNaruto1990
First of all don't think that religion equals culture, maybe they blend sometimes (like in Japan) but that doesn't mean it's the same, like Bowing is part of Japanese culture, should they stop bowing if they were Muslims? of course not, praying for Buddha is part of their culture but more religious, they should stop praying to Buddha, that simple, you should seprate between both kinds of cultures eventhough they seem so blended..
I should think, since you are Muslim, you would know that in Islam, religion
does equal culture. It is its own culture, if it's practiced. As you and others have said, it has its own ways for family life, social life, politics, and so on. You have also said that countries that aren't implementing Islam completely in those ways are not truly Islamic.
The Japanese would have to part with many things in their culture if they became Islamic--for example, the festivals. I'm sure you're aware that the Japanese have
tons of festivals and holidays...most would have to go, since they are Shinto or Buddhist celebrations and involve offerings to gods, etc. They would also have to stop pilgrimages and temple/shrine visits, also a big part of the culture. The would lose their Buddhist monasteries, a lot of which carry on national treasures like flower arranging, calligraphy, sword-making, etc. The culture would lose a lot.
Speaking of which, one question. Does true Islam still prohibit representation in art (the drawing of human or animal figures), and musical instruments?