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(#73 (permalink))
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noodle (Offline)
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03-23-2008, 08:30 AM

Originally Posted by Joly View Post
I should think, since you are Muslim, you would know that in Islam, religion does equal culture.
I think what Naruto is trying to say is that Islam can be integrated into a culture. Of course, no two cultures in the world are the same so when they mix, they will not stay totally the same.

Take for example asian immigrants going to the west. They usualy take their culture and language with them right? AND they integrate in the western culture also (most). It's the same in Islam. Of course, some parts of a culture might be lost if they are forbidden in islam (like, alcohol), but that doesn't mean that they will lose their culture totally. It will simply evolve. Like all cultures do. Anime and Manga is another part of japanese culture that is very new. Which means their culture has evolved and integrated new things.

So, yes, islam is a way of life, but that doesn't mean other cultures can't be mixed with this way of life. I am a muslim. I have my own culture as well as Islam. If islam was 100% of ones culture, then all muslims in the world would be the same. But in fact, we have many things in common but not always our culture.