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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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03-23-2008, 10:19 AM

Originally Posted by Tyrien View Post
You must be a little confused. Not to mention you have so much unconditional stereotypical hate for something you really know nothing about to even attempt to argue this fairly.

A mainland invasion was necessary. You can't just bomb a country in a war like that then not do nothing. You have to bring troops in to tie up all the lose ends.

Your comment about early wanting to test out a new weapon is not only racist but discriminatory against an entire country.

I think you've proved you have given up any rights you have about input in this conversation.
Not really. Think about it. The United States was not blind to the Soviet threat. Remember the Korean War? General McCarthur was pushing to use nukes. The only thing stopping the United States using nukes in Korea was the fact that the USSR had successfully tested a nuke by then.

Also how was my comment discriminatory?

And yes the invasion of Japan was necessary in a way, but not to end the war as you are claiming.... I don't think you understand the situation back then. Japan at the time was ALL BUT defeated. The United States however knew that they had to beat the Soviets to Japan.

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 03-23-2008 at 10:24 AM.