Originally Posted by Tyrien
I was mainly directing that towards your comment about americans wanting to just test out the weapon on some "yellows". Just because it's the US, doesn't mean you can't discriminate against it.
It's true Japan was basically defeated at the point, however Japan wasn't acting like it in any way. If Japan had surrendered when it should have the bombs wouldn't have been dropped at all. Fact remains dropping those bombs ended the war.
Oh? I didn't mean to offend you by that. I was merely trying to imply the type of mindset America had at the time. I believe the term "yellow" comes straight from McArthurs mouth... not that he should be vilified for it. This sort of racism was normal at the time.
Also, you act as though Japan would've never surrendered. As I said before, if American lives were more important than unconditional surrender then there would've been no need to drop the a-bombs as Japan couldn't have taken much more punishment from continued isolation. The Soviets would've invaded in the end anyway... however that is the LAST thing that the US wanted to happen.
I also think you misunderstand my perception of the dropping of the atomic bombs. To me it's just history. Unlike people such as yourself or Tenchu, I hold no emotional investment in history because it can't be changed, and to dwell on it is futile. The Americans had their own pragmatic reasons for dropping the bomb yes, however to say that the Americans did it because it was "the only option" which was forced upon them and which they carried out reluctantly, is wishful thinking.