Originally Posted by Gerlandox
HAHAHAHAHA look look
We have another player here, another pseudoMuslim.
Well i can`t really see what a Gun ur hollding but let`s say it`s a Glock...
With a Glock in the hand, and calm like a BOMB. IRONIC
You call ur sellf a Myslim - i smile upon you dude - you`r just another recruit DUDE.
Blind as your friend DUDE...
PS: I forgive your man, because it`s NOT your fault.
A Pseudo Muslim? Wow you are retarded aren't you?
I was born Muslim. I didn't convert.
Thousands do though.
In case you think I don't practice my religion, I actually practice 100%.
You got a problem with my "Calm like a Bomb" name? Thought you might with that mental capacity of a turd you have. You know what it implies?
It implies I won't take shit lying down from the likes of you. It implies that I will defend myself and those I care about.
Look at you coming on here causing a problem with a thread that HAD no problem. You just hate the fact that Muslims were having a decent conversation so you had to stir up some shit to try and get it banned.
You f***ing hypocritical little idiot, saying Islam causes problems when a**wipes like you can't sit still in your chair enough to see people having a decent discussion.
Also, you don't need to threaten Noodle you little sh*t. If you have a problem, deal with me. He has more intelligence than you could EVER dream of having.
Originally Posted by Gerlandox
Please people dont destroy your nerves. Its nonsence
Symbiosis is an outsiderword in here.  now than noddle want to explode
Do your sellf a favor, and save yourself.
Run run run
Its just nonsece
Noddle wants vendetta

Look at you editing your post and still not being able to spell worth a Dime.
How pathetic you are mister "War Veteran". Didn't get any schooling did we?
Originally Posted by Gerlandox
Noodle po noton ne mutin qe sapo dhjeve.
Noddle you are swimming in your own shit.
Noddle Du schwimmst in deinen eigenen scheiss.
Noodle tu Stai nuotando nella tua stessa merda.
The arabic i try to forget every single day.
Und wenn du dass alles geschnalt hast du klugscheisser, puoi venire e farmi il egoista kazogrande testa di kazo, persona decadente.Fisqire medioker qe skupton se me ke ke te besh njeri infantil.Weil wenn du nur ein bischen weisheit besitzen wurdest, wurdest du nicht so ein scheis labbern.
You are just a fallse person, idiot Im here with my own name and face and i dont need to lie you, so when youv tried to check that and your hatefilled heard has got a little tendernes , talk to me again.
If your eyes where not blindet from hate you would understand that i never put Islam as a religion in dispute ins fadenkreuz arschloh but islam as a tool to manipulate persone decadenti come te. Por une thjesht te injoroj.Se cka me ba kur una smuj me t`shti tru e mij debill.
So whenn you`v counted really counted how many languages i know and if i am who i am you facke ass come and argue or do you need a translator?
But i dont think you can cos internet and english is your portal to the world
to get you a little bit of serenity and happines in your fu*kedup world that you self destroy every single day.
I add a bit of bold to the words you may undersatd recruit
The only language you spoke there was German you silly twat.
Get a clue moron.