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(#98 (permalink))
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noodle (Offline)
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03-24-2008, 10:53 AM

ahhhhhhahahahahahahaha. OH my!!! i can't stop laughing. hahahahahaha, you're threatening to kill someone over the internet? This defnitately proves to us that you are simply trying to be some sort of hot shot, tough guy over the net. Tell me, how old are you really?

Originally Posted by Gerlandox View Post
Noodle po noton ne mutin qe sapo dhjeve.
Noddle you are swimming in your own shit.
Noddle Du schwimmst in deinen eigenen scheiss.
Noodle tu Stai nuotando nella tua stessa merda.
The arabic i try to forget every single day.
aaaaaaaaahahahahahahahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha... omg. That is the the greatest. You speak once sentence in a few languages then you say you wanna forget arabic. If that were true, then that I guess that makes you racist against the whole arabic race. But unfortunately we both know that you don't speak arabic. BTW, you only spoke one other language and english (if you wanna call it english) there. Saying one sentence doesn't imply you speak the langauges. So, I'm gonna do the same thing to you now. But unlike you, I actually speak all these languages perfectly well!

Gerlandox, t'es qu'un con qui ne comprenne rien du tout, dans la vie. Sale race de raciste.
Gerlandox, khachini thizan nizaneth aug fahmen shai khe dunith. izan ne aughoil (btw, you'll never find a web translator for this language Kiddy)
استطيع ان اكتب اي شيء اريد وانت لن تفهم اي حال

Gerlandox. You're just an ashh ooolle (I watched meet the fockers, hahaha) that doesn't understand anything in life. You damn racist.

btw, thank you for your concern and the highlighting, but no need. unfortunately for you, you're dumb enough to assume i only speak english and even dumber to think that you are actually speaking enlighs! So KID, go learn languages properly instead of translating them online and stop assuming you are some sort of devine human that understands the world and speaks 6 languages.

So KID, go and translate what I've written to you (apart from the one that's impossible for you to find, lol), because we all know that you're just gonna go and translate it online.

We're waiting for your next useless comment saying that we proved your right again. hahahahahaha. damn hypocrit!

Last edited by noodle : 03-24-2008 at 11:12 AM.