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(#568 (permalink))
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LolitaLover (Offline)
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Location: Aus i should be in U.S [Illinois] though lol. ;D
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03-24-2008, 11:39 AM

my dream is to visit japan then live there one day, i love the culture and the people are so nice, but.. i am from Australia and 21 years old, did not go to university and left after grade 11 to become a mechanic, that did not work out =( now i am just at some dead end job just making money to live.

but my hobbies are Photography and Fashion, my other dream is to become a Fashion Photographer for a magazine, but hey i am not that great.

i could always just save up and visit for a week and stay with an old friend who i talk to allot but if i wanted to stay any longer i feel like i would be a burden

i would much rather stay for a month or more so i could make some friends
also i don't know much Japanese but have not had much time to study it either.. i know some words but thats about it, i do plan to study more when i get some free time.

i have 50,000 Australian dollar ( 70 if i sold my car ) but i have kinda put that away for when i want to buy a house ill use it for some deposit money.
so i would have to save to travel.
and if i wanted to live in japan i feel like it would be really hard to get a job also.

im sorry for such a long post what i really.. well want to know is for the people who have moved there from over sea's what do you do for a job now and how hard was it to get the position
and do you think i really have any chance

Forum Family:
Most Beautiful girl in the world:Juno!
Little Brother (He likes to poke people!):Auran!
Sister That Stole My Teddy:Joanna!
Little Sister That Stole My Ice Cream:LuLu!
Juno's Evil Twin Sister:ItalianLeather!
The Crazy Maid:Kiyuga!

life's like a box of chocolates all the good shit is already taken
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