Originally Posted by Tenchu
[color="DarkGreen"]Because this shit is reported in Arabic or Farsi. Only small parts of what goes on makes it to western news crews.
I still fail to see why you can't post any link of it. Regardless of it's original broadcast was in Arabic/Farsi or not you still shouldn't have a problem finding a news link in a matter of seconds.
Originally Posted by Tenchu
Then who the fuck was Eve V talking about? Deluded bitch. I havn't been talking to anyone else on this thread, just tellin em to piss off coz they are not clever...
Originally Posted by Tenchu
I think you should ignore her. She is a narrow minded bitch.
Awwwee... you poor baby :[.
Originally Posted by Tenchu
I dont understand. That was pretty straight forward. Is it to much for you to handle so you just swear at me? None of it is theory and it is all pretty simple and true.
Originally Posted by Tenchu
Well none of that is true, so that makes you look stupid.
I said Americans were annoying. You take it too far you idot.
You don't understand. You would call me racist if I said every African native was black. Fact and racism are different. Saying Americans share a common personality, as most countries do, and it is due to their localized culture, that is not racist. The fac I dont get along with a specific personality type, that is not racist. The fact Americans mostly have that personality, that is not my problem. So what if I don't wanne spend my time with Americans. Fucking drop it you retard.
No you're just focused so much on the notion that racism is only when you see someone with a different skin colour and at them for it, Tenchu. More so, don't even try and put words in my mouth especially with a half cooked analogy like the one you used.
If you payed any attention at all to what I was saying rather than hearing one word you don't like and making up your mind you'd know that's not what I'm talking about
at all.
You assume that all Americans are the exact same in their mindset and view on the world. You claim that all Americans are behind the war. You say all Americans don't care about other's dying by their military. You say that American culture is this, American cities are that. You use all that assumption and "knowledge" to fuel your "dislike" (look mommy, a white people PC word for hate!).
When it comes to looking at US ctizens Tenchu you are a racist, and you are a bigot. You've given more than enough evidence this whole topic. Except for
after I explained to you how you're a racist. Now you're trying to be a little more careful with your words even though anyone capable of looking at what bigotry is can see through it.
Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Well of course I don't think that all Americans think like that nor am I suggesting that American citizens themselves should be held individually responsible for the bombing of Japan. But you have to remember that America AT THE TIME was the kind of country which treated black people as second class citizens. To the degree where German POW's would be held in higher regard than it's black servicemen. It is also well documented that General McArthur was a racist.
I stand by what I said.
Fair enough. I'll take back what I said against you.
Sorry though do you mean German POWs (as in Germans caught on the US's side?) or German POW Camps (as in German run camps?). Either way I think you're slightly off in comparing that to the way black slaves were treated before their release in the US.
That's not to say either were acceptable at all. I just think you have the scales tipped in the wrong direction.
As of 08/11/2008 5:33 PM Eastern Standard time I now officially own:
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