Originally Posted by EveV
It doesn't matter what their doing in the long run I see it as something deeper. Like I said, you don't have to agree. Society is not corrupted or broken because of porn, porn in the least amount of our worries. What about humans killing humans? Starvation, lack of cleansed water, over populated areas. We need to fix THOSE leaks before we worry about what people are doing/watching behind closed doors. Being horny is a natural feeling and as long as it's not turning into rape then I don't see anything wrong with feeding your desire when your lonely. But, once again you don't have to agree.
Women here are given many rights they could not be cattle, if they wanted to. We're not oppressed or " pushed down" their just dumb enough to follow society's influence. In the long run we can be whoever we want. There are countries our there that tell women what to wear or they die. Where men have the right to pull you off the street and rape you and it's not the West.
I wasn't talking about bad addiction. Like drugs,internet,video games. I meant good things, like seeing your family or eating carrots. Things that you really can't get enough of.
Well to be honest with you, an addiction for anything can be bad. There should be a certain balance with everything. Even so, I understand what you're trying to say there.
As for porn being the least of our worries, you're right, there's much more shit out there to worry about. The fact is though that when you can't control yourself and you are indeed addicted to porn, then you're in trouble and you don't even know it.
People might watch it when they're lonely or whatever but then it turns into something they need to do all the time. There is a severe lack of will power these days.
I also think porn is
one way to keep people blind to what goes on around them. I mean not even porn but everything to do with over selling using sex or saturating a persons senses with sexual content, designed to get them aroused and stop thinking with their heads. Stuff like this can stop a person achieving their potential.
Also, since when do people when they're addicted to something, give a crap enough anything else around them? Those homeless, starving and destitute people are on their own because we are so caught up in our own luxuries.
Luxuries we don't need to survive and which snatch resources away from people who need them.
Originally Posted by clairebear
o_O Its about time a man said that...everytime I say to someone "women are treated as objects" I get called a feminist. 
Well Feminists are annoying to me but I stand by what I said. The fact is Feminism doesn't need to exist as EveV seems to acknowledge, since there are worse problems out there.
I think females do have a better go at life than they ever have but when women accept that it is fine to overly show your skin in public and keeping updated with certain fashions is a priority, you have become a slave to the Play Boys of this world already.