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EveV (Offline)
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03-25-2008, 01:04 AM

Usually opening night there's a band from Japan.
There's voice actors/directors of anime.
You can go to the bands signing and their signing.
Theres a dealer room where you can by just about any Japanese food or anime.
They also sometimes have corset, cosplay and kimono dealers in there.
They have an art room, to see peoples local art and I think you can even bid on some.
They have art dealers room where people sell their art.
Theres rooms that just play anime the whole time.
Or panels to get cosplay tips or just about any tips about the anime industry.
Also panels about Japan in general.
Theres usually a free arcade or 2
There's the cosplay competitions where you can dance sing or just show off your outfit.
And theres usually several raves.

I would check the site for the con. It'll give you the whole schedule and guest list.

Edit : Watch out for drunk guys and fan girls/boys. And regardless of the craziness that goes on there. They can still kick you out and you can still be sent to jail so don't flip out to much.

"The sky is cryin...
Can't you see the tears roll down the street?"
- Stevie Ray Vaughan

Last edited by EveV : 03-25-2008 at 01:07 AM.
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